Easy online booking

Simply point and click to book, adjust the length of stay option if you want to come for longer. If shown fully booked we are genuinely booked up

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All booking are subject to our Terms and Conditions

Our booking calendar is 100% up to date, and snaps to our allowed change-over days which except for Christmas are Mondays and Fridays. You can pay easily and securely by card, or if you prefer we can accept payment by online banking or cheque.

Please advise us if you would like the super-king bed split into two singles. However, note, that the single beds will be very close together. You may prefer the super-king and a fold-up bed. Up to two single fold-up beds can be set up at the rear of the living area. For the fold-up beds, single duvets and pillows can be provided (on request), but you need to bring your own bed linen. Please note, the entire accommodation (apart from the bathroom) is open-plan.